Soul Care Is Healing The Soul

Spirit Candle for the Season of Virgo aka Geb Season

Green greetings folks, we are moving into a new season. Pretty much each season I create a sprit candle to support my movement through the energies of the season.  There is a lot going on this season it seems and Creator has called me do a little extra.  

Here I share how to create a spirit candle for the season of Geb or Virgo as most people know it. Geb is a Neter of the Kemetic aka ancient Egyptian  society.  "He is the source of all that comes froth from the soil, providing sustenance to hu…

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Growth & Grief


I am a clinical and intuitive therapist by trade, training, and passion. I've seen and heard many things. I've supported, empowered, educated, and shared in so many things with my clients....

All that to say, I'm not new to grief. I've supported folks through it, taught psychoeducation groups about it, and I've experienced it personally.

And still... My grief caught me off guard. I've lost no loved one's. I'm solid although saddened around the tragedies plaguing the nation. And I'm experiencing …

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An Invitation to Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual immaturity is part of the process of awakening. Everyone does not come into their awakening fully aware. There is a natural process. Spiritual infancy is part of the process.

However, there comes a time when, we move from those beginning stages of awareness, and mature.  We learn that our feelings are nothing to fear. We stop abandoning ourselves in order to please other or avoid pain. 

This is the mature way. 

Learn more about our conscious online courses and  group mentorship memb…

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Healing a Caged Heart: My Daddy Issues & Me


The first man that was ever supposed to love me and protect me walked away. He was my father and I was old enough to understand his leaving. I was not old enough to know what that meant about me.

Some of my earliest memories around my relationship with my father, that I can directly recall, involve me asking my mom if I could sit out front of our apartment complex. I had to ask because our apartment was not in eyesight of where I would sit. I didn't ask to sit out front because of my excitement.…

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Its Not Easy to Admit I Endured Racial Victimization


I have never really talked about the trauma of my childhood. Most people looking into my life would say I had it pretty damn good.  I was a black child of educated parents , I lived a middle class life. I was never hungry, always had the things I needed and I remember my cousin saying, my room looked liked one from a magazine. I was cared for by parents who loved me.

 I went to “privileged” schools, which I was reminded of daily by the institution and I had white privileged friends.  

Do y…

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