Soul Care U

ancient wisdom for modern times

Thank you for visiting Soul Care U. This community is here for your remembrance.  Everything we offer is in service to  the ancientness.  She is why we are here. She, is the ancient mother, and she calls us continually, to return to her ways of living, playing and being. 

The traditions of the ancient mother are steeped in the indigenous. The great wisdom teaching communities around the world are our guides. Each of us, if we reach back far enough in our lineages, we will access a time when the Goddess was revered. 

Her wild, messy, erotic, playful, nourishing, chaotic, and destructive ways were not feared but accepted. Within these attributes are the cycles of  birth, life and death... aka, creation! 

Soul Care U is container for sacred communities. She holds us  while we remember the ancientness of who we are. 

Below you can see our containers and events.  We value the integrity of all that is created here and our communities welcome seekers of The Sacred.  If there is something that calls you please reach out to us. 

You are invited to start following Chonteau's Weblog Sacred Embodiment 

 Instagram and  Facebook

Upcoming events

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Feminine Roots

self-guided learning community for wise women

The ways of the Ancient Mother is how I live. This self loving, nurturing, nature aligned way of being is the way of the feminine. She is creative, chaotic, masterful, soft, fiery, destructive, loving and spiraling. Feminine Roots is an invitation to her energies as she has taught me. These ancient ways are calling us to remember what has heart and meaning again. 

Feminine Roots is a self-guided learning site and community for awakening and emerging wise women.  You will find a plethora of online courses that focus on womb wellness, nature aligned living, and Goddess traditions.

Enter here

and explore your path of wise woman living. Message me to set up a free call to gain guidance in choosing your correct path.

The Awakening Womb

 a monthly publication

The Awakening Womb is a monthly paid subscription for women who are ready to heal, transform, and build a deeper connection to their wombs and pussies. Living a womb-centered life requires maturity, emotional intelligence, and a willingness to stretch beyond what you currently know to be true. Pussie-led living is a mystery you may never fully understand, yet when you follow her, she will lead you to wild awakenings.

The Awakening Womb monthly publication is  subscription based  content and found on my  SUBSTACK  account, a blog and podcast hosting site. Access to The Awakening Womb monthly publications is found at the link above.  Read more about it thru the link  and choose the paid subscription.

Book Release 

84 day revised cover

An 84 Day Self Care Journey For Women In Their Middle Years is having her rebirth! I am so excited to share this  treasure with woman everywhere. For so long women in their second half of life have not had a guide to support their redreaming season. Gone are the days of getting it done, women in their second half of life are looking for something deeper.  Well, this book is that guide. Its a gentle but potent transmission that invites you to do your inner work. through journal prompts, activities,  affirmations and reflections, you will be guided to journey with  renewal, revitalization  and redreaming. Click here for your copy!