Bathe Agreement Form for November 23, 2024
I understand that this container is for me, the purchaser, and all content of this container will not be shared with any other parties.
I understand this is a pussy lead practice and experience. Chonteau will guide you through practices to be with your pussy, anus, breast and wombs.
I understand, during the bathing rituals my camera will be off.
I understand this portal is not a substitute for any mental health therapy.
I understand this portal is not a substitute nor treatment for any physical symptoms I am experiencing.
I understand this portal is available from on November 23rd and will not be available after the experience.
I understand the content within this portal may be sold as a course for future SCU students.
I understand that I, the participant, am taking full responsibility for my health and mental health and seeking out the professionals to support me as I see fit.
I understand that I, the participant, am participating in this portal of my own free will and any and all information shared is for informational purposes only and in no way suggests to be treatment for any physical or mental health conditions.