Reconnecting With Nature~ 7 Daily Practices
On Demand Online Course
Reconnecting With Nature, 7 Daily Practices is an on demand online course. You will be guided through 7 practices that you can incorporate into your daily life.
Reconnecting with nature is about reconnecting with self. This course is an invitation to steep in the wisdom, beauty and love that nature has for us.
If we choose to return to her, in our own unique ways, she will meet us where we are at. In this meeting we will learn how to deeply care for ourselves, connect to our ancestors, and understand we are the deep medicine that we seek outside of ourselves.
What's included in the course:
- Seven reconnective practices that will support your reconnection to yourself and nature.
- Combination of videos, essays, full color pictures, mediation downloads, and simply instructions.
- Opportunities to share your experiences with others who are taking the course